JDL Canada: Cease Funding To Palestine House

Canadian tax dollars being spent to support Hamas and Hezbollah.

9 responses to “JDL Canada: Cease Funding To Palestine House

  1. StandUpforDemocracy

    Here is a copy of my letter sent to the appropriate people yesterday:

    On December 27th, 2009 I happened to be downtown walking on Bloor and Avenue Rd., when in front of The ROM, I saw people with Palestinian flags, looked across the street and saw people with Israeli flags. So far so good. Thank goodness we have the right to peaceful protests in this country.
    I had my camera with me as I always carry my little camera in my purse and I proceeded to take 3 or 4 pictures of both sides of the protest as did many other people I would imagine. Then something happened which made me so frightened – as a CANADIAN of Jewish heritage. Some on the side of the anti-Israel protest gave the Nazi salute – here in Canada! A place where my parents chose to raise their children after they lost almost everyone in their respective families because of what the Nazi salute represented! Say what you want as politicians – this must stop! This must be crushed! Not by a tongue lashing, not by a slap on the wrist because those who gave the Nazi salute knew it was wrong. It must be crushed. There are now many websites showing this Nazi salute and shame on our police for not realizing the sensitivity of this and not doing ANYTHING about it. By the way…
    I learned Palestine House gets funding from my government. Really? Look at pictures closely and you will see members of Palestine house holding flags and also giving a Nazi salute. My tax dollars goes to support this garbage? Oh yes, those responsible for Palestine House will say they did not support this move. Really? They know who their marchers are. They are usually the same people. Lectures should have been given beforehand.
    Why is it at one parade last year we hear a disgusting “Jew, die” and now this? Who finances this hatred? We do!
    You will see people with the Hezballah flag. Now I realize that carrying that flag is NOT against the law, so what’s next, someone will carry a Nazi flag because that won’t be against the law now? Please understand this will create a climate of fear for both Christian and Jewish Zionists as well as Jews in general in my country Canada! We will not feel safe on our streets , our cities, our country. You must try to really understand this and act upon this understanding.

    Wishing you all a very happy and healthy and peaceful New Year!
    Yours sincerely,

  2. Great letter! I’ve been monitoring the anti Israel crowd for sometime and I can tell you that Palestine House is involved in every single one of these events. The Indigo boycott, Israeli Apartheid Week, the ROM boycott, the Toronto Film Festival boycott – all of them. Also note that a prominent member of Palestine House is Rafeef Ziadah, a York U teaching assistant and CUPE member. It’s all very incestuous with these groups and Palestine House is at the hub of the wheel. On the bright side, the good guys have had some great successes this year, including getting funds cut off from the Canadian Arab Federation and stopping George Galloway from collecting money in Toronto for Hamas.

  3. StandUpforDemocracy

    I know all about this and all about Rafeef.
    If enough people write to the government, perhaps they will re-think the funding of Palestine House. I wish I can tell you something, but cannot on this blog page…:

  4. giving into serious propaganda. The Israeli blockade stops basic needs from going to the people of the West Bank including Ginger, Nutmeg, Canned Fruit, Dried Fruit, Fresh Meat, Seeds & Nuts. They won’t allow construction materials including concrete into the area so the people won’t be able to rebuild. There is no reason for JDL.

  5. Congratulations, JDL, on a misinformed smear campaign which, judging by a few of the comments and related posts in the blogosphere, have Zionists and their supporters panting for more.

    Palestine House does not support any terrorist organization. Pleaseprovide proof of your assertions. However, it does support pro-Palestinian events in Toronto. Some of these include the BDS campaign and protests against Israel’s attacks on civilians in Gaza (where 80% of those killed were children, women, and non-combatants). Why should Canada cease funding to a democratic, public organization and not to funding Israel’s weapons and supporting a government (some would call an apartheid state) which kills and maims civilians, confiscates land, prevents access to livelihood for millions, and occupies/ blockades territories?

    • Even Hamas has admitted that more than 50 % of the casualties in Gaza were Hamas fighters. Congratulations Katia B, on a misinformed smear campaign .

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