Over 150,000 suffer in North Korean prison camps, rights group says

More than 150,000 North Koreans are incarcerated in a Soviet-style, hidden gulag despite the communist government’s denial it holds political prisoners, a human rights group reported Tuesday.

The U.S.-based Committee for Human Rights in North Korea said it based its report on interviews with 60 former prisoners and guards. It includes satellite images of what are described as prison labour camps and penitentiaries.

The report documents the alleged incarceration of entire families, including children and grandparents for the “political crimes” of other family members, and infanticide and forced abortions of female prisoners who illegally crossed into China and got pregnant by men there, and were then forcibly repatriated to North Korea.

The committee, a private, U.S.-based group, is holding a conference Tuesday in Washington, timed for Pyongyang’s celebrations to mark the centennial of the repressive nation’s founder.

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