Jordan asks Canada to seize Dead Sea scrolls

Because Muslims are the rightful owners of ancient Hebrew scrolls.

8 responses to “Jordan asks Canada to seize Dead Sea scrolls

  1. The LIE ….“Dead Sea Scrolls were Illegally Removed from Occupied Palestinian Territories”….
    1. You assert that the artifacts “were obtained by force and looting”.
    The original seven scrolls was found by a Bedouin in 1947 and sold in 1948, 3 to Hebrew University Professor Sukenik and 4 to the Dominican Archbishop at the St. Mark Monastery who sold them in the USA five years later to Sukenk’s son, the famous Yigal Yadin, for $250 Hardly theft!. Numerous other fragments and manuscripts – more than 800 – found in another ten nearby caves were subsequently found by Bedouin, archeologists and even amateurs. Most went to the American School of Oriental Research at the Rockefeller Museum in East Jerusalem since De Vaux began sponsoring excavations in 1951.

    2. The Jewish Town of Qmram was a site re-settled by Jewish Zionists under the British Mandate who were forced out when Jordan occupied the West Bank in 1948.

    3. If you look at the website of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan , you will see that Jordan did not make the sale of antiquities or their export illegal until 1974, seven years after Jordan lost control of the West Bank that it seized and annexed in 1948. This was the same year that Jordan ratified the UNESCO “Convention On The Means Of Prohibiting And Preventing The Illicit Import, Export And Transfer Of Ownership Of Cultural Property” on the same date, June 15th, that the Convention came into force. The Convention was explicitly not retroactive.

    4. The West bank lacked an independent Palestinian Archeological Institute until 1975 when one was established at Bir Zeit University.

    5. The earlier 1954 Hague Protocol on the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict only applied to contracting states to the Protocol and, in any case, allowed the state in control of territory to keep such property in safe keeping until the termination of hostilities. Further, the Palestinian Authority was not nor could it have been a Contracting Party to the Protocol in 1967 and Jordan abrogated any claims to the West Bank.

    6. You assert that the artifacts were “seized by Israel in its 1967 surprise war it waged against its neighbours”. The war was not a surprise though the initial attack against Egypt was, but a casus belli was already in place when Egypt closed the straits to prevent ship traffic to Eilat.

    The war with Jordan that had occupied the site where the scrolls were originally found started half way through the six days after Jordan – then Transjordan – decided to enter the war against Israel’s urging to stay out of the war.

    Israel never seized the manuscripts; they remained in the possession of the Rockefeller Museum . Jordan expropriated the museum which up to 1966 had been a private foundation and Israel as the successor political authority took possession of the museum in 1967.

    7. The Dominicans at the École biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem, only initiated excavations in 1951 but are most famous for their role in the translation and interpretation of the contents – as well as for allegedly sitting on the documents for 40 years.

    8. The Palestine Archaeological Museum, is the Rockefeller Museum and has been for almost seventy years except for one year, 1966-67, when it was renamed the Palestine Archaeological Museum .

    9. Since the scrolls were clearly the cultural property of Jews 2000 years ago, given many precedents on cultural property, would you not think the Jews of today should be the inheritors of that property even if the ownership of the property was in dispute?.

    10. It is interesting that the Dead Sea Scroll exhibit at the San Diego Natural History Museum in 2007 included Dead Sea Scrolls owned by both the Israel Antiquity Authority and the Department of Antiquities of Jordan , the latter making available the famous Copper scroll. The two authorities cooperated in providing the material.

    11. In light of the latter, why did Palestinians not accuse Jordan of looting and theft?

    12. Archeological artefacts are owned by states that enact laws regulating cultural heritage. Palestine is not yet a state that can enact such laws and, therefore, is in no position to accuse another state of theft.

    – by H.A.

  2. islam ,claims as a matter of rote ,that it was the original religion..
    so obviously any religious tract belongs to them..

  3. They really are the ultimate imperialists.

  4. The ownership of these scrolls belongs to those who it is about. These are Jewish Christian history. If they are kept anywhere it should be the Vatican Archieves. Where they are gaurded by men willing to die to protect them.

  5. “If they are kept anywhere it should be the Vatican Archieves”

    they belong to Papists? says who?

  6. No, no, no; he meant ‘Baptists’.


  7. The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan wants canada to return the dead sea scrolls which are on exhubit at the moment from Israel. The jordanians have said that the scrolls which are written in Hebrew are a vital part of palestinian history. What a ‘Chutzpah’ in 1948 during and after the war known as ‘Israel’s War of Independence, Jordan then known as the Emirate of Trans-Jordan destroyed 58 Synagogues, in Jerusalem, destroyed over 38,000 Jewish tomstones on the mount of olives and used them for paving stones for roads and construction material for the Jordanian army. The smashed up synagogues including the great Hurvah synagogue the largest in the middle east were used ast stables for their horses etc.Jordanian Soverignty and annexation over the eastern sector of Jerusalem and the West bank was never recognized by the United Nations after the 1948 war between Israel and her arab neighbors. The jordanians abrogated on the Rhodes armistice agreement of 1949 allowing Israeli citizens and Jewish citizens of other nations to pray freely at the last remaing wall of the 2nd temple. The jordanians therefore have no rights whatsoever for the return of the hebrew dead sea scrolls which have absolutely nothing to do with their so called heritage, as thesescrolls have everthing to do with Jewish heritage. They destroyed all vestiges of jewish life in east jerusalem and now they have the temerity to claim a soley jewish artifact which has nothing at all to do with them or their islamic religion.

  8. Pingback: Dead Sea Scrolls | Trends Pics

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