Employer told not to post advert for ‘reliable’ workers because it discriminates against ‘unreliable’ applicants

Nicole Mamo, director of Devonwood Recruitment was stunned when a job centre in Thetford, Norfolk, said she could not include the phrase ‘reliable and hard working’ in her advert.

3 responses to “Employer told not to post advert for ‘reliable’ workers because it discriminates against ‘unreliable’ applicants

  1. This lowering of the bar isn’t political correctness anymore, it’s “political retardation”.
    People! Your representatives are leading you off a cliff. Don’t be a lemming! Have some self-respect for crissakes. Throw the bums out…all of them. And send a message to all that this kind of stupidity that is spreading through and eroding your nation and your culture like a cancer will no longer be tolerated.

    Don’t you have a survival-instinct anymore? Or is that politically correct now too.

  2. Pingback: Diversity in the age of the Obama bastard: unreliable applicants preferred… — Winds Of Jihad By SheikYerMami

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