Hezbollah Gets Into the Used Car Business

The story sounds like the script of a big-screen blockbuster. The plot mixes terrorists, a major bank, and an international drug ring, and features an unexpected cameo by used car dealers. But U.S. authorities say the global conspiracy they’ve discovered is no movie, and that the all-too-real scheme helped fund Hezbollah.

3 responses to “Hezbollah Gets Into the Used Car Business

  1. Just like the good old day’s eh in Horst Weasel land? When this goes as inevitably it will to war. Its going to be a bloodbath. I,m betting on Israel.
    I beginning to think Plato was right. War is the human norm. Peace an interlude.

  2. When Hezbo becomes the official government in Lebanon Israel will have no reason to hold back from full force when war breaks out.

  3. There was no reason to hold back when fighting the barbarians in Gaza either, but the Israeli government is too concerned with international criticism. Israel will be condemned either way because the world doesn’t want the JOOOOOOZ to win. They may as well earn the criticism

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