Statement by Sarah Grunfeld re York University incident

TORONTO, 14 September 2011 : Sarah Grunfeld, fourth year York University student has made the following statement relating to the recent incident in Professor Cameron Johnston’s class at York University, and has asked B’nai Brith Canada to circulate it to interested parties on her behalf. This statement of her position is only to be used in its entirety:
I stand by my initial concern brought to the University’s attention immediately after the incident that when Professor Cameron Johnston made the abhorrent statement in his class that all Jews should be sterilized, he failed to qualify the statement clearly as an unacceptable opinion held by others. His delivery of this statement, made in a class of 450 impressionable students, was offensive to me and to others in the room.

I have since been grossly misquoted and ridiculed by the media, and attempts have been made to assign blame to me with the false claim that I simply “misheard” or “half heard” what was said. Meanwhile, the professor has not been called to account in any way for his “miscommunication”.

This is in spite of the fact that in a meeting with Martin Singer, Dean, (Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies at York) and Rhonda Lenton (Vice Provost Academic), I was assured that they believed Professor Johnston was ‘terribly regretful’, and that they expected and would encourage him to issue an unambiguous in-class apology. I have not heard even minimal expressions of regret by Professor Johnston, and a York university representative in subsequent communications with the media, has since contradicted the assurances I was given to that effect.

It has been a very painful experience for me to see how the university has closed ranks and reneged on its assurances to me. I understand that there may have been a miscommunication, but any miscommunication was on the part of the professor, not me. The media has been complicit in allowing a false interpretation of my actions to be circulated widely, which can only have a chilling effect on the ability of students to have any kind of a voice on campus.
For more information on Ms. Grunfeld’s statement, please contact Anita Bromberg, National Director of Legal Affairs, at (416) 315-9438.
B’nai Brith Canada has been active in Canada since 1875 as the Jewish community’s foremost human rights agency

97 responses to “Statement by Sarah Grunfeld re York University incident

  1. B”H
    We are so proud of our Jewish sister Sarah! She is proving that we Jews are the Chosen Race of G-D, Superior to all other human filth (Goyim).

    We must send MORE of our tax dollars to Israel!

  2. Behold everyone, we got ourselves a David Duke lovin’ mental defective weighing in. Commenter Lord Rothschild’s website is
    He can be reached at

  3. “This statement of her position is only to be used in it’s entirety.”

    Oh, the irony.

    Neither she nor the B’nai Brith are now claiming that the professor believes the statement as initially reported. At this point, they’re sending out press releases over a disagreement over whether a sentence was misinterpreted or miscommunicated. This is what they occupy themselves with in a country in which anti-Semitism is supposedly flourishing? Are there not greater molehills to summit?

  4. The school said that the Professor would apologize, that does not mean that he is obligated to do so. Especially if he didn’t say anything wrong. The school should not have guaranteed her an apology. As far as I can see, that was the only mistake that was made. A person should not be expected to say that they are sorry every time another individual gets offended. Especially since, in college, students are expected to be critical thinkers. If a fourth year student cannot understand context and intent, if she cannot assess comments from an open and critical stand point, then that student should not be in college.

    The simple fact is, it was not the media that said Sarah was not listening; it was the professor. He said so in his defense, which was very articulate and believable. Ultimately, that is why people/the media sided with the professor. Because he was able to sufficiently defend himself. Sarah had every right to question the professor. However, once he was able to clarify his statements to her in an acceptable way, she should have retracted her accusations…not stubbornly insist that the professor apologize despite his adequate explanation.

    Please note: I say, “once he was able to clarify his statements to her ‘” because no other student seemed to need clarification, it seems that Sarah was the only one who did not understand—“There are 475 students in that class and no one has emailed me saying they have had a problem with anything said in lecture…I’ve received responses from people who were not there heard about this and attacked me.” Quoted from

    “I stated that for this course opinions are not relevant and I questioned the common idea that everyone is entitled to their opinion. I pointed out that everyone is not entitled to their opinion by giving the example of someone having an anti-Semitic opinion which is clearly not acceptable. This was an example of the fact that opinions can be dangerous and that none of us really do believe that all opinions are acceptable.”

    That is an adequate defense. It is also the exact opposite of what Sarah claims was said. This is not a case of a simply misunderstanding. Either the professor is an outright liar, or Sarah was not paying attention AT ALL. Since no other student has stepped forward to corroborate with Sarah, I am guessing that she is the one at fault.

    ps- the little “please contact” thing at the bottom clearly shows that this statement was not made by Sarah (she has proven that she is an inarticulate person who in incapable of being a part of a rational discourse) but Anita Bromberg, National Director of Legal Affairs. …so, what was that you were saying about students having a voice??? Seems like the lawyers are the ones speaking for the students….lame.

    • I apologize for the typos, I suppose referencing grammar Nazis would be a bad idea considering the topic..??

    • Jolene: That is one of the most intelligent and well-reasoned comments I have ever read on a blog, WordPress or otherwise. You nailed it in every way. It seems to be a bizarre case with deeply immature undertones, to the extent that I’m shocked any adults are taking her seriously. She is merely retrenching rather than apologizing and forgetting. That is the most regretful, as well as the most indicative of her character.

  5. She is as dumb as a post. If 450 college students are as “impressionable” as she, I worry about the future of Canada. And her lawyer needs to tell Sarah to wise up.

  6. Well, they didn’t say he would apologize, they said they would *encourage* him to apologize. I’m surprised that she would make such a basic comprehension mistake about something someone said… oh wait.

  7. Her statement should have been an apology to the professor and school.. that would have done wonders to stop her name being tarnished further…

  8. She made a mistake and caused a furor over nothing. She should just own it. Standing by your lack of understanding doesn’t make the professor wrong, no matter ho wmany time s you say it, and no matter how much you criticize those who are criticizing you, Sarah. Apparently they don’t teach personal accountability at York.

  9. And she said this without even a hint of irony, I am sure:
    “The words, ‘Jews should be sterilized’ still came out of his mouth, so regardless of the context I still think that’s pretty serious.”

    Those words came out of her mouth, so I think that’s pretty serious. I think she’s an idiot, regardless of the context.

  10. … from my take on the matter, Camy is an overpaid idiot. One of many that all too frequently inhabits institutions of higher learning in Canada. And to be clear, where there’s smoke, there’s fire.

    He just got called out by a principled and proud student who didn’t appreciate being made an example of because of her group identity.

    And let’s not forget, he runs a “bird” course teaching students that “opinions” can be dangerous and so they shouldn’t have one or be allowed to have one.

    [In the real world, if it were the case that no one should have an opinion unless it’s based on verified fact and knowledge, The Toronto Star should lose all their editorial writers sand half their reporters.]

    • The World is Retarded

      Finally, someone on here with a brain!

    • “And to be clear, where there’s smoke, there’s fire.”

      Oh, just being clear on this, are we? Because empty platitudes are ever so persuasive. Who needs evidence? You and Sarah are two of the same kind: precious fucking snowflakes who are too sanctimonious to actually think, and too dense to actually learn how.

    • Well Paul, where there’s smoke …

    • Did you read anything on this issue or did you just jump at the chance to defend a girl in hopes that she’ll sleep with you? You’ve failed to address the situation at hand. The professor was talking about dangerous opinions and stated and example of one. This idiot misheard and took it seriously and raised hell about it. Now you’re here defending her on the grounds of free speech? Not to mention that “group identity” is also one he belongs to, being Jewish himself.

      And your idiot summarization of his course is laughable. “Opinions are dangerous and so they shouldn’t have one or be allowed to have one”? To put it succinctly: lol.

      I’m guessing you’re a York student/grad. You and people like you are the reason I got out of York as fast as I could.

      • well J,
        … first off, since I never took Camy’s course, I get to have opinions whether they’re based on facts or not; – whether you or Camy like it or not.

        Secondly, if Camy’s is to practice what he preaches, he’ll have to prove he’s from the same identity group as the student with a factual document. Until then, it’s just hearsay and I don’t believe him.

        The undisputable fact is he did say what he did, and whateever his lame excuse is, he’s an asshole in my opinion.

      • Tenured Radical

        “and whateever his lame excuse is, he’s an asshole in my opinion.”

        Wow Paul, I bet he’s really shook up over your carefully argued opinion, what with you being such an esteemed scholar and all-round clever chap.

      • Principled and proud she may be, but Sarah Grunfeld is clearly an indefensible idiot, and this doubling down only makes her look worse, if that’s even possible.

        The University should expel her for publicly slandering a member of staff, as well as Oriyah Barzilay, who went running off to the press without lifting a finger to determine whether or not Sarah Grunfeld said was true.

      • And now the ‘rationale’ of the birther movement is beginning to make sense to me…

  11. Has Sarah Grunfeld changed the good Professors opinion of HRC’s, or a bill 51?
    Free speech is just that. There are no unacceptable questions, just actions.
    Without free speech, how are we to finger the monsters?
    This is a lesson for the Teacher.

    Posted by: Revnant Dream at :

  12. All the idiots commenting on this post believe every spinned story they read in print. The professor was sinking fast, and he obviously worked really hard to get public opinion on his side by going to the Toronto Star. Ya – the T.O. Star – the newspaper that is so biased and inaccurate in reporting – it’s a wonder it still exists. They come out blaming the student instead of the professor – and everyone picks up on this story like its the real version of events.

    Don’t you people understand what you read? Seriously, in her statement – she says the university basically admitted the guy was guilty and went so far to say he needs to apologize, and then as soon as the media gangs up on her (probably carefully planned out in conjunction with the university), they suddenly contradict everything they told her.

    York is known for it’s game playing and throwing its students under the bus!
    Read between the lines you naive gullible people!

    • Stop defending an idiot. There were 450 students in that class. Why did only the ONE student complain? York has an incredibly large Jewish population. Do you seriously believe only ONE student out of 450 was Jewish and was the ONLY person out of 450 who would take offense to someone saying “Jews should be sterilized”?

      If you believe her side and that the professor is guilty, I have a bridge to sell you.

      • Three others complained but wouldn’t come forward publicly because they didn’t want to be demonized the same way you morons demonized her!
        I tell you – you people are so naive and gullible!

      • Media is Pile of DonkeySh**T

        Three others complained but wouldn’t come forward publicly because they didn’t want to be demonized the same way you morons demonized her!

    • This is what crazy sounds like. The argument is that there isn’t any evidence to support the desired conclusions, so that evidence should be sort of cobbled together from innuendo, assumptions, vague prejudices, and paranoia–and the credulous simps are the ones who *don’t* think this is a rational way of interpreting things. Somewhere in a dark boardroom I can just see the York chancellor, the Editor-in-Chief of the Toronto Star, and Ernst Grundel laughing maniacally and stroking their white cats. First, we momentarily embarrass one fourth-year undergraduate. Next, the world!

  13. Someone needs to tell this poor young woman that when you are in a hole you should stop digging.

  14. I wish someone who was in the class (and awake for all of it) would come out, not anonymously, to say what happened. If what Sarah said is true, it’s understandable why they might be reluctant, but I hope someone will soon to claify this. If anyone who was there wants to they can contact me through the twitter link on my avatar

    • Maybe they find the whole thing deeply embarrassing and have no interest in forever associating their names with this nonsense.

    • Media is Pile of DonkeySh**T

      Hahaha! Not anonymously??? Why would anyone in their right mind come out not anonymously or come out at all in the ‘shut the f up or I’ll slander you in the media’ policy of York?

    • Sarah Grunfeld can certainly tell you a thing or two about how to slander someone in the media.

  15. PATHETIC that there’s more furor over this than the really disgraceful anti-Semitic event that took place a week or two ago at Queen’s Park in Toronto. This story is getting too much mileage. My friend told me this lame-ass story was one of the top stories trending on Reddit earlier today.

  16. Sarah, you are an insufferable spoiled pathetic excuse for a student and a person. You ought to be deeply ashamed of yourself, and anyone who is actually defending you, doubly so. Though, I strongly suspect it’s just you under the cloak of the internet, making it seem as if you have supporters. You disgust me, as a Jewish person, and as a human being.

    • I don’t see why this is even a story. It reminds me of Kate Gosselyn joining dancing of the stars and making front page news. Ridiculous. No one knows what went on anywhere. Everything is hearsay. People are so dumbed down nowadays that as soon as something in print says ‘boo’, every body reacts like they have a personal vendetta against someone they don’t know for beans, don’t know what really happened and probably never will. Get a life people! And by the way Mr. or Ms. NoneofyoBizness – like ur not hiding under the cloak of your ridiculous name!

  17. I have had so many of these idiots in my own classes over the years it would be laughable if not for the fact that they hold tremendous sway over a school’s administration and policy. Glad to see Canadian college administrations will follow every red herring and false accusation made by clearly disturbed people as much as colleges in the states do. Higher Education is over in these countries!

  18. Keep digging that hole, Sarah.

  19. Way to go, Sarah!
    As you come close to graduation, I admire your willingness to make public why there is no way in hell any company should even considering hiring you! First of all you show a complete lack of being able to understand concepts such as context, and the concept of education in the first place, which after nearly 4 years of university is quite impressive. And your failure to bring your concerns immediately to the professor concerned, but instead ensure that you headed in every other direction to ‘share your pain’ and ‘tell your story’ I think employers might be a bit uneasy about that trait! And when your error in judgement is exposed, instead of accepting responsibility for your actions, you continue to proclaim loudly, you are right and everyone else is wrong. Your air of entitlement is especially clear. So as you have made it clear that in the regular workforce is not the place for you, maybe you could explore your options in academia…

  20. Sarah Grunfeld is trying to destroy a Jewish man’s life because she didn’t understand what he was saying in class. Instead of saying, “Perhaps I misjudged my professor,” and ending it, she continues to look stupid. If there was one other person who felt the way she did about her professor’s statement, then why has ONLY Sarah said anything about it?

  21. How can Sarah Grunfeld write that “all jews should be sterilized”? What a horrible thing to write! How can this blog tolerate such a combination of words? She’s obviously anti-Semitic. I’ve read enough. I’m outta here!

  22. tl;dr, wah wah wah, I made a huge public mistake, but instead of owning up to I’ll deflect blame to someone else.

  23. Sarah Grunfeld is a mental defective who should be turned over to Hamas to have their way with her…is an example of an opinion I wouldn’t endorse…

  24. I felt it necessary to point out that the commenter above, called Paul, is one of the most dangerously idiotic creatures on the planet.

    “Secondly, if Camy’s is to practice what he preaches, he’ll have to prove he’s from the same identity group as the student with a factual document” = “I’m a total psychopath conspiracy theorist nutjob looking for any excuse to jump into an argument with both my brain cells firing on full automatic”

    • well Max, to the unrefined palette I may be the “most dangerously idiotic creature on the planet”, but for regular readers of this blog, they know me as a pussycat.

      I gotta say, I am flattered that my satire is so totally awesome it has inflamed your petty sensibilities to the extent it seems to have.. But to be humble, I am only one in a proud tradition going back to Johnathan Swift, and Stephen Leacock who made their so-called “betters” cry (and decry) like little girls.

      Perhaps next time I’ll try to be more subtle.

  25. You’re an idiot Sarah.

  26. Sarah Grunfeld writes and says that “all jews should be sterilized” without a hint of irony (she’ll have to look that word up).

  27. and this professor himself was jewish, imagine if he was black or hispanic or some other minority? An imbecile playing with people’s livelihood and reputation. She should be ashamed of herself, with her stubborn attitude she is just taking the limelight from serious and real anti-semetic incidents.

  28. “he’ll have to prove he’s from the same identity group as the student with a factual document”

    For some reason, I can’t read this without hearing a German accented voice screaming “Papers! Show us zee papers!”

  29. That’s just in.
    “York University senior Sarah Grunfeld has filed an official complaint with the University as well as with the Canadian Human Rights Commission over a history course entitled “Germany, 1933-1945.” Grunfeld alleges that the course actively promotes antisemitism by distributing mandatory reading materials such as speeches and essays by Joseph Goebbels and Adolph Hitler.”

  30. you said HITLER!!! you’re antisemitic

  31. if a professor says something in a lecture that you find so horribly offensive–a professor, mind you, who has no history of being provocative–wouldn’t you have some doubt, even a little bit of doubt, that you heard correctly? wouldn’t you at least ask the kid next to you something like, “did i just hear what i think i heard?”

    that she (apparently) didn’t do this, but rather the exact opposite, goes to show that her reaction really has nothing to do with being offended by what she thought she heard. she’s a troubled person with some pretty serious anger issues. this professor just happened to catch her on an especially troubling day for her. instead of an educational institution, there are other, more appropriate institutions, she should be admitted to.

  32. This comment string sure shows that the anti-Semitic folks that heard of this site are really well organized and called all their friends to pile on. That is all I will say about them that is not argumentative with their rather lame position knowing the past history of York U in regards to Israel and Jews. Although I was not there I will take Sarah`s description of what happened thanks. I hope you will note I do not post anonymously. I am not ashamed of my opinion like most of you unidentified posters seem to be.

    • Shame. Throwing around such careless and unsubstantiated accusations of anti-Semitism weakens the charge when the time comes to apply it accurately. It becomes meaningless and McCarthyesque, and it brings discredit upon any individual or organization that wishes to treat anti-Semitism seriously.

    • “Although I was not there I will take Sarah`s description of what happened thanks.”

      On what basis? Is it just because you really, really want it to be true – so you can get your daily outrage fix?

      You probably should go ahead and be ashamed of your opinion.

    • @ Bob: Despite what you seem to believe, not being ashamed of your opinion does not ennoble its essential foolishness, it compounds it. If the professor is not to be believed because of his association with York, it stands to reason that Sarah, as a self-professed impressionable student, cannot be either. If you read the statement above carefully, Sarah is no longer accusing the professor of being anti-semitic. You, on the other hand, continue to insist the man is a proto-Nazi. I can only conclude that in your opinion, Nazism is so compelling an ideology that it has completely taken over not just the faculty of York, but evidently been pre-baked into the minds 449 first-year students, most of whom were straight out of high-school, none of whom had time to be indoctrinated by Herr Cameron, and none of whom objected to his sentiment. Personally, I was standing up to that kind of bullshit in high school. I refuse to believe that there was no one with more moral fibre than me in that class. I can, on the evidence of Sarah’s pronouncements so far, easily believe there was no one stupider than her.

  33. You should be ashamed of being such an idiot. If you want to combat Anti-Semitism then focus on the numerous incidents that are WAY more serious and valid as opposed to some half witted, A.D.D riddled dumbass who didn’t pay attention in class and misconstrued her JEWISH professor’s words as self-hating. This has nothing to do with anti-semitism- people are calling her on being a spoiled, reactionary, and above all STUPID attention whore. Don’t you think York University, which has such a strong Jewish presence would have backed her fully if her claims had merit?

    Sarah, I’m sorry that you’re not the sharpest tool in the shed but don’t whine about the media calling a spade a spade.

  34. Professor Johnston should have been as Black as the Ace of Spades, and it shouldn’t have made one bloody bit of difference.

    There needs to be serious repercussions for this type of fear-mongering and character assassination. This is a clear-cut example of how honest dissent is being stifled under the rubric of “political correctness”.

    “Free speech” is only free when you support speech in which you aren’t in agreement.

  35. York University, which has such a strong Jewish presence would have backed her fully if her claims had merit?

    hmmm, where has either this “righteous” professor or this so called strong Jewish presecne at York been as it sinks into yet another annual display of overt rabid anti-semitism aka, Israel Aparteid Week?

    (seven years running as I recall)

    … easy to take on a student who didn’t appreciate the example being used, (context or no context), but Camy is an asshole for even using Jews as his instrucitonal illustration. Shameful he would even go there in the first place and even more shameful that students would think it’s acceptable because there was a “context” to it and they were clever enough to “get it”..

    • So now you’re going to try to link him to IAW? On what basis? Because you don’t specifically know that he’s against it? Well, I guess you can’t help it: a duck will quack, and a piece of s##t will smear.

      BTW The Jewish presence at York generally protests the hell out of IAW every year, minus, of course, those elements that are participating in it, or the even larger population of Jewish students joining the vast majority of their gentile peers in trying to ignore it and get on with their lives. I suppose that last category are prima facie anti-semites as well.

      • smear? …I can see you’re being well “meducated” when a simple stright-forward question is asked about Camy’s own accountability to his so-called identity group about opinions that are acceptable and opinions that are not acceptable at Tehran U (York Campus) and you don’t see a co-relation.

      • You clearly didn’t understand my second paragraph at all. Too many correctly spelled words for you? The “question” you asked is about as straight-forward as “have you stopped lurking around playgrounds?” Well, have you?

      • well Fiffy Lafue, Camy is the opinion expert on what Jew-bait is acceptable and what Jew-bait is not acceptable at Tehran U (York Campus). All things considered, he should come clean.

        As for you, your comment reveals quite a bit about your preoccupations, me thinks. (creepy, dude.)

      • You have no idea what point either of us are making here, do you?

  36. “This statement of her position is only to be used in its entirety:” Amazing the student and B’nai Brith could say that without the slightest hint of irony considering it was her failure to do the same with her professor that led to this in the first place. What an utter idiot Sarah is.

  37. Miss Grunfeld firstly sticks her foot in her mouth and then, mindless of this, sticks her full leg down her throat. Can she really be this dumb? How did she gain entry into a university?

  38. Well…I read all your comments on the Sarah case here at hand… And I am glad that we all have our own interpretation of what actually happened.
    Let see: Sarah heard” the professor stating that and I quote “Jews should be sterilized”? is it true or not you don’t know! And that is a hear say to you.
    Whether the 450 students come forward or not it is totally irrelevant.
    Put yourself in the situation and try to see it from her perspective. She heard what she heard and that is why she got so upset about it..She has the right to be upset if that is what she heard. None of you can argue differently. 3 key words “politics; religion and sports can start a war among the most peaceful people.” any of you who think differently please let me know.. How many of you (be honest) got into such a heat debate with someone that Involve these 3 key words. if it is about sport-your team my team” start a fight. Politicians on TV slandering each other; the most notorious is religion. And that where it’s all boils to. The word “JEW and Sterilize (end of the Jewish people) now that is a heavy topic by itself.
    The problem here is that this matter should have been dealt within closed doors and been clarified. Whether there was a miss-communication” misunderstanding whatever. it should have been dealt with behind closed doors. I don’t take any side until i can proof without the shadow of a doubt who was at the wrong. And nor should you.
    As for the students voicing their opinions on campus that is an issue by itself the ability to voice your opinion and generate a debate it is a great thing developing and challenging our minds to listen to honest thoughts of other individuals with regard to any events taking place.
    People are afraid to voice their opinions due to the lack of others ability to accept others thoughts and opinions. We all think we are right the question can we be civilized about it.
    Thank you.

    • it’s not hearsay that she reacted the way she did. it’s her reaction that is so bad.

      it’s clear that the professor was not advocating such an offensive opinion. in fact, he was advocating quite the opposite, that such opinions are not worthy. she believed that the professor was advocating a position that he in fact was not advocating. this much is clear. hence, her belief was fallacious.

      but it’s not her fallacious belief that is what people are finding so upsetting. rather it’s the actions she took based on her false belief. her actions were so preposterous and extreme. did she question that she heard correctly? apparently not. any reasonable person, after thinking they heard something so offensive from a professor would at the very least have at least some doubt as to whether they heard correctly.

      she caused an enormous ado about nothing because she misconstrued what she thought she heard by a person who deserves–at least at first blush–a lot more respect, being a professor, than she does.

      her position is indefensible. let me say it another way. her actions would only be defensible if the professor was actually inciting people to take the view of what she thought she heard. clearly no such inciting happened, or was even intended. in fact it was she who was doing any inciting at all.

      extreme actions should only be condoned when in reaction to something at least as extreme. she reacted extremely to a big nothing. shame on her. if she took the time–which she most certainly should have–to understand what the professor was trying to communicate, she would have realized her misunderstanding and prevented this whole mess. now if she still was offended by the choice of words in the example he used, well then she has the right to be offended. but she most certainly does not have the right to overreact the way she did because she took offense to the choice of words in an example used in a classroom, however offensive those words when taken out of context may seem to her.

  39. she caused an enormous ado about nothing

    … nonsense. Cameron was instructing his class about so called acceptable “opinions” but was teaching 450 students (and for how many years?) what type of Jew-bait is acceptable and what type of Jew-bait is unacceptable.

    [the basic premise often heard in justifying the big lie called Israel Apartheid Week.]

    • you clearly have an issue with this professor. why are you manipulating this story to voice and justify your dislike with this professor and his teaching methods? voice your dislike directly to him instead of polluting this discussion.

      this student was offended by the particular words she heard, not the message that was intended. your complaint is not about the words uttered. it’s not even about the message intended, but rather by what you think is some hidden message allegedly implied. stop being so narcissistic. this story isn’t about you and your issue with this professor. it’s about how this silly student became so offended and outraged by an example she didn’t even understand.

    • Cameron was saying that for the purposes of his class, opinions were not valid. To demonstrate why opinions are not inherently valuable, he used an example of an unacceptable opinion. Outside of the “unacceptable” example, there was nothing that could be construed – or further misconstrued, as the case may be – as “Jew bait,” let alone what varieties might be “acceptable,” (note to self: Paul believes there are acceptable ways to bait Jews). A professor explaining that opinions are not academically valid in his classroom is no different than saying “and attendance is worth five percent of your final mark.” It’s not “instructing” – it’s beginning-of-the-school-year housekeeping.
      (Not that you need help with your lies, but if you try really hard, you could strip even more context from this situation to further your lonely campaign of defamation: try describing Cameron as having delivered a “speech” in front of a “mob.” That should suit your purposes better).

      • deflection is a sad tactic often used by those by those trying to argue an indefensible point.

        again, stop deflecting. what does your view about the worthiness of this professor’s methods have to do with this story? reread the story.

  40. … rationalize it all you want and if you don’t understand what I’m getting at, that’s your problem.

    [I do know what you’re saying and I’m sure it all makes “logical” sense to you.]

    As far as having it in for this professor, well you’re right on that point. As a Jew I don’t appreciate the liberty he seems to think he has in using the example he did and take great offense at his temerity.

    Easy to beat up on the student in question but I haven’t heard a mea culpa from him in being so ignorant and still haven’t heard whether he is a supporter of IAW. (which in my opinion is a valid question to ask him)

    [he is the “authority” on opinions involving Jews, apparently.]

    • i understand that you’re very upset and offended by this professor’s choice of example. but can’t you see how utterly out of proportion your reaction is? can you see the difference between being offended by something and acting out because of it? i’m, by no means saying you can’t or shouldn’t be offended. i’m just saying that you’re reaction is so over the top.

      sit with your feelings, let it pass, and move on. don’t exacerbate it by making all sorts of ridiculous accusations about this professor.

      • that would be “your” not “you’re” in the last sentence of the first paragraph of my post. sorry.

      • … as regular readers of this blog know, I’m not very fussy when it comes to spelling. (I charge my clients extra for correct spelling, incidentally.)

        but can’t you see how utterly out of proportion your reaction is?

        No, I don’t. I really do have zero tolerance for Jew-bait.

      • what does it mean that you have zero tolerance for “jew-bait?” does it mean that you’re going to get all bent out of shape whenever you hear some story that you can somehow distort into “jew-baiting?” it’s kind of silly to claim that you have zero tolerance for anything when you’re entirely impotent to do anything about it.

        has it occurred to you that perhaps you’re looking to feel outraged? seriously, there’s zero evidence from all the reports on this story that this professor is “jew-baiting.” do you have any hard evidence? or are you distorting your distaste of the professor’s choice of example (or of the professor himself) to justify your need feel so outraged.

        take a good look in the mirror and consider–just consider–that perhaps you, along with this silly student, are behaving like an excited, irrational fool.

    • “still haven’t heard whether he is a supporter of IAW.”

      That’s because only your unique intellect seems capable of excreting such a question. Unfortunately, you thought to ask the question on a blog there is no indication the Professor reads. Why don’t you put on your Inquisitor’s robes and call him up on his (publicly listed) phone or contact him on his (publicly listed) email instead of anonymously defaming him here? If the question is so urgent, screw your courage to the sticking point and ask it. To make it worth your while, I’m sure there are any number of other crimes you could demand he explain himself for as well, while you’re at it. Laptops have been stolen at York: maybe Cameron’s a fence! There must be some unsolved murders in the 905 for which he needs an alibi! You’ve found your criminal – you just need to invent a crime to fit him. Be sure to post his full response here though.

      I don’t appreciate the liberty he seems to think he has

      Quite. Nothing more need be said about your world view.

  41. … to be sure, Camy is reading this blog.

    And let’s not forget, B’nai Brith is still backing the student.

  42. … to be sure, Camy is reading this blog.

    Well, if you’ve magically acquired that knowledge, you must know his feelings on IAW. You might also know where I left my glasses case: help a brother out?

    And let’s not forget, B’nai Brith is still backing the student.

    Yes, please let’s not forget that.

  43. … it’s obvious that you don’t know much about anything, but I’ll tell you why you’re an idiot.

    If your point is to reinforce Camy’s exalted position by trying to diminish me, knowing full well I’ll respond to in kind to you, I can only say, it clearly and demonstrably is showing the quality of “teaching” being received in his class.

    [sad, really cuz you’re forgetting this whole post is about him.]

  44. Guffawing at Paul

    True, I do not know much about anything. I can barely even find my way around your tortured syntax.

    a) I do not “exalt” his position.
    b) he is not my professor.
    c) how you choose to respond to me is entirely up to you. You shouldn’t flatter yourself to think you’ve yet managed to do so “in kind” though.
    d) I’m still waiting for you to tell me where I left my glasses case. C’mon, don’t be a dick.

  45. … I see. You’re motivation is in trying to damage his reputation then.

  46. In your bizarro world where saying anti-Semitic opinions are unacceptable constitutes proof of anti-Semitism, yes, that is exactly my motivation. And yet you continue to defend this man!

    I was mistaken in my previous comment, by the way. You think I’m an idiot: since you were operating on that premise, I can concede that yes, you were responding in kind.

  47. well, my little grasshopper. I said none of that. Best to read what I said again.

  48. Best to read what I said again.
    I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy.

    Your entirely predictable dodge that you did not demonstrate the stones to make the accusation explicit doesn’t exactly cover you in glory.

  49. ah, but the meaning is like an onion for you to peel with watery eyes.

  50. Sassy, I didn’t realize this comment string had been going for so long. Isn’t this a record for Sassy Wire? Congrats if it is. The last time I saw one of our small sites get so much attention was when Natasha decided to take M&S out of Blogging Tories after Fantino got endorsed.

  51. Obviously you feel strongly about the action Sarah G chose to take. Maybe she is the only one who wanted to take a stand and others are too afraid to do so. (I am only assuming since I was not present)
    But let me ask you this. If you’re a Jewish person who growing up with knowing and hearing that “the Jewish people should not exist, they have no place in this world and there have been many attempts to annihilate the Jewish nation race you name it. Now I’m sure if someone tease you your whole life and you get fed up you are bound to react if it is standing up to the bully or rage and striking the person. What because Sarah is Jewish then she has not the right to stand up to what she heard? Let me hear anyone say something about the Muslim people Do you think for a moment that they would be silent about it, riots and fights, the professor would apologise in an instant. Just to keep the peace and the misunderstanding, and it is not Just the Muslims I can say it about every culture. Go to an Irish Scottish say it“you should not exist” Powerful words..Think about it for a moment! I am not on anybody side here I am listening to what people say here and you can feel the hate toward her as a Jew taking a stand rather than Support and demand Justice. We live in a society so diverse “what a better place then Toronto to describe diversity” and yet still think it is right to use such an offensive word.(what if the professor would have said the following; Attention everyone what I am about to say may be offensive and it is only to demonstrate how can an opinion can be dangerous, what would you say if I said “Jews should be sterilised” that may have ended differently don’t you think?……right now this whole situation it’s like one big Tsunami. One slip and cities flushed away by series of mistake on after another.
    Like I said before key words can start WARS, FIGHTS among people, yes opinions can be dangerous people should expect the consequences of such opinion.

    • do you honestly believe that this professor holds the awful opinion that all jews should be sterilized? it seems that you do. you write, “Maybe she is the only one who wanted to take a stand and others are too afraid to do so. (I am only assuming since I was not present).” take a stand against what? a misinterpretation of what she thought she heard? both you and she are tilting at windmills.

      do you wish to live in a world where “key words can start WARS, FIGHTS among people, yes opinions can be dangerous people should expect the consequences of such opinion.”? a world so filled with such utter fear? apparently you do. you condone a stupid student’s actions, screaming from the rooftops, falsely accusing a professor, whose words she didn’t understand, of advocating an opinion he doesn’t advocate.

      you choose to promote living in a word where it’s okay to invoke past horrors to incite present ones. not me. i choose to promote restraint and thoughtfulness, and to take extreme action only when in response to a real extreme adverse action, not an imaginary one. you’re so willing to believe this student against all fact and reason. instead of the will to believe, this world would be much, much better off if people fostered the will to doubt.

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